Students » Scholarships/Awards/Bursaries Information

Scholarships/Awards/Bursaries Information

Scholarship/Awards/Bursaries Information

Suggested websites to explore:

Red River College Entrance Awards

Brandon University Awards

University of Manitoba Awards

University of Winnipeg External Awards

Assiniboine Community College Awards

MHSAA Scholarships

Volunteer Manitoba Scholarships and Bursaries

Manitoba Career Prospects Scholarships, Awards, and Bursaries

Sport Manitoba

Scholarships Canada

Scholar Tree

Indigenous Students Scholarships and Bursaries Search Tool

Voices:  Manitoba Youth In Care Awards



See below for some specific awards that are available for application.  This list is not exclusive.  There are many more award opportunities available.  Seeking awards will take some online research.

NOTE: The month that the awards below are listed is the deadline month, so it is recommended that you look over these prior to that month to ensure sufficient time for completing the applications.

The awards listed are just a sample of what is available to Manitoba students.


Month (based on award deadline)

Award/Scholarship/Bursary link


Loran Award


AES Engineering Scholarship


Louis Riel Institute Bursaries and Awards


BMO Leader of Tomorrow Scholarship


RE/MAX Canada Quest for Excellence Scholarship




TD Leadership Scholarship


ServiceScape Scholarship


Terry Fox Humanitarian Awards


BMO Leader of Tomorrow & Indigenous LOT Scholarships




Schulich Leader Scholarship – See Mrs. McKetchen


MB Beef Producers Scholarship


Burger King Scholarships


French for the Future National Essay Contest




Jack Jacobs Football Scholarship


Manitoba Council for Exceptional Children Scholarships - Transition Scholarship


Manitoba Council for Exceptional Children Scholarships - Academic Scholarship


STEAM Horizon Awards




Wetland Centre of Excellence Scholarship


Kin Canada Bursaries


Ashley Schlag Memorial Scholarship - MSA


United Way Youth Leaders in Action Scholarship




Fly Higher Indigenous Education Awards


RE/MAX Quest for Excellence


Ron Dixon Memorial Technical Scholarship


Nellie McClung Trailblazer Scholarship


Casera Credit Union Bursary – SCI student




Canadian Trust Scholarship Foundation Bursaries


Mission Creek Orthodontics Scholarship


Lift Parts Express Scholarship


Canadian Hard of Hearing Scholarships


Retail Council of Canada Scholarships


Lyle Makosky Values and Ethics in Sport Foundation


Pembina Co-op Scholarships


Scotiabank Scholarships


Brokenhead Ag Scholarships




Red River Exhibition Scholarships and Bursaries


MADD Canada Bursary Program


Shevchenko Foundation Awards


Canadian Hospitality Foundation Scholarships


The Peter Scouras Memorial Scholarship


Chartered Professional Accountants Scholarships


Luke Santi Memorial Award


MGEU Scholarships and Bursaries


Manitoba Young Liberals Scholarship


Access Credit Union Scholarship Program


Outstanding Take Action Project Award


Aging Matters Scholarship


Rainbow Stage Student Scholarships


Orville Erickson Memorial Scholarships


Tim McLean Apprenticeship Bursary


Ashley Schlag Memorial Scholarship – SCI student only


Another Time Around Committee Bursary - SCI Student only

  CUPE 1618 Scholarship - SCI student only


ADHOC Entertainment Association Scholarship - SCI Student only


Kinsmen Robert Wright Memorial Bursary - SCI student only


Sunrise Teachers' Association Scholarship - SCI student only


Shumsky Family Scholarship - SCI student only


SNOman Scholarship Program


Andrew C. Langendorfer Memorial Award - SCI student only


Eastern Manitoba Concert Association Music Award


Neal Stoesz Memorial Scholarship


TADD Scholarships



June/July/August, September

James Lee Foundation


NAIG Legacy Scholarship - Indigenous Coach


NAIG Legacy Scholarship - Indigenous Athlete


MB Association of Auto Clubs Scholarship


Springfield Legion Bursaries - SCI student only


CUPE 4456 Scholarship


Agassiz Soil & Crop Improvement Letter


Agassiz Soil & Crop Improvement Application


Storwell Storage Bursary


Manitoba Trucking Association Scholarships


Variety Manitoba Awards Program


Curl Manitoba


Manitoba Legion Scholarships and Bursaries


Manitoba Hydro Scholarships, Bursaries & Awards


North American Van Lines Canada Scholarship


National Union of Public & General Employees Scholarship progam


CNIB Foundation Scholarships


Manitoba Baseball Scholarships


Louis Riel Institute - Bursaries and Awards


Furnace Prices Voice of the Future


Manitoba Beef Producers Scholarship